Fifth graders at Rose Drive visit Crystal Cove

On Thursday, March 24, Rose Drive Elementary School fifth grade students went on a field trip to Crystal Cove State Park. The Crystal Cove Alliance, in partnership with University of California, Irvine, scientists and graduate students, allowed students to participate in field science studies that will contribute to the conservation of Crystal Cove. The students conducted a native plant restoration study, and used an anemometer and digital scale to collect data. In addition, the fifth graders did a study of the transpiration and soil moisture of native leaves. For this, they used a soil moisture meter and a potometer. Lastly, these Rose Drive scientists were given a quadrat of beach to estimate the amount of nurdles across 3.2 mile stretch of sand. The students also learned about the animals in this area that come out only at night by using a trap cam. The Rose Drive students were actively engaged in the process of collecting and recording useful data.

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1 Comment on "Fifth graders at Rose Drive visit Crystal Cove"

  1. Paul LaPorte | April 8, 2016 at 5:57 pm | Reply

    Fun time!

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