Fairmont teacher travels to China to share PYLUSD physical education philosophy

This past summer, Nate Babcock, coordinator of PYLUSD’s elementary physical education (PE) program and PE teacher at Fairmont Elementary School, traveled to Beijing, China, as part of a cultural exchange program coordinated by the Chaoyang District Education Committee in Beijing.

Nate led a five-day workshop with 30 Chinese elementary PE teachers from various schools in the Chaoyang district. The primary purpose of the workshop was to deliver an “American” and “Californian” approach to elementary physical education. Nate also shared the PE curriculum that we have adopted in PYLUSD with his Chinese counterparts.

The PYLUSD PE program is designed to provide experiences in movement that enhance the physical, mental and social/emotional well-being of every student, including special education students and English-language learners. It is taught by credentialed specialists with the assistance of trained aides. Together, they teach structured lessons that are developmentally appropriate in skill development, wellness concepts, basic anatomy, character education and physical fitness. Goals of the program include social development, movement skills and knowledge and self-image and personal development.

“I enjoyed the experience, and the participants seemed to also,” said Nate. “They were very appreciative of the opportunity to learn from someone with a different perspective. I learned quite a bit as well!”

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2 Comments on "Fairmont teacher travels to China to share PYLUSD physical education philosophy"

  1. You couldn’t have picked a better person to represent a Health Educational Program for our Elementary school kids. This is a crucial time nowadays for children to learn about exercise, healthy eating, and enjoy being active. With Nate’s passion, love and experience and continuously learning and improving as to what is the best approach to keep kids interested and enjoy being active. Nate has a way of teaching and also making it fun.
    They all love him and respect him. Go Coach B.!!!

  2. Paloma Cervantes | October 17, 2015 at 11:40 am | Reply

    Coach B. is the best! He was my P.E. teacher at Fairmont 4 years ago. As my teacher, he was fun and encouraged everyone to enjoy different sports. I have good memories. The kids in China are lucky to have met him!

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