Golden Elementary PAL members teach primary students conflict management skills

PALs resolving conflicts at recess.

Students helping other students is what PAL (Peer Assistance Leadership) is all about.  First and second grade students can have trouble taking turns or sharing playground equipment, so fourth and fifth grade PAL students come to the rescue!

This year at Golden Elementary School, PAL members were trained to utilize conflict management skills.  Armed with a set of questions to ask and good advice for resolving conflict, the students head to the primary playground.  As they cruise around wearing bright blue PAL t-shirts, the younger students may approach them with a problem.  Using a script they have been trained to follow, PAL members allow each side the chance to speak and then agree on a solution.

Everyone learns important social skills through this valuable program. Mrs. Karen Hope and Mrs. Angela DeGraw are credited with leading the PALs to make a difference for students at Golden!

PALs resolving conflict at recess.

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