Valencia High School Principal, Mr. Chris Herzfeld, is proud to announce that senior have again set a school record with regards to National Merit Scholar awards. A total of sixty-one seniors from the class of 2022 earned National Merit awards. Ten VHS students were named National Merit Semifinalists. Seniors Neha Abbas, Kayla Cheung, Joshua Hockman, Xavier Macalalad, Lauren Mirhan, Ellie Park, Akash Shah, Melody Sun, Tricia Tran, and Nicole Xu earned qualifying scores on their 2021 PSAT test. Representing less than one percent of each state’s high school seniors, National Merit Semifinalists are the highest-scoring program entrants in each state. Qualifying scholars have the opportunity to advance to the actual cash awards given as Merit Scholarships by the universities they ultimately attend.
Fifty-one additional Valencia students earned qualifying scores for the 2022 National Merit Commended Student Program. Commended Students placed in the top 5% of the 1.6 million entrants in the National Merit Scholarship Program. The VHS Commended Scholars included: Nick Adams, Ashna Ahmed, Justice Andersen, Ryan Bae, Robby Blank, Patrick Carter, Ethan Chan, Katelyn Chang, Justin Chao, Camille Chap, Averi Chen, Cody Chen, Jerry Chen, Sydney Cheng, Caleb Chu, Josiah Chung, Colin Commans, Anay Dagli, Aiden Desai, Renee Faulk, Arlen Feng, Katie Frields, Gill Quin, Sean Joo, Beatte Kim, Kaitlin Kim, Kyle Kim, Minkyung Erin Kim, Young Kim, Kurtis Lee, Evelyn Li, Sean Liem, Carolyn Lin, Advik Mareedu, Fernanda Mata, Allison Mirhan, Sean Nguyen, Hendrick Nguyenhuu, Machaela Ouyang, Melissa Perez, John Risner, Janav Shah, Camille Sicat, Cadence Sparks, Michelle Tran, Aritro Tribedi, Regine Ulangca, Uma Upsani, Jacob Varela, Erika Veloso, and Andrea Wang.
“We are very proud of our students and their achievements,” Assistant Principal Jeff Louie shared. “We are also proud of our teachers and staff and the role they have played in the development of the outstanding academic program here at Valencia High.”
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