El Dorado High School’s Italian Club invited the Schuhplattler dancers from Brea’s Phoenix Club to perform for the student body and faculty during lunchtime on April 19. The Schuhplattler men wore their traditional Bavarian Lederhosen (leather pants) and the women wore their traditional Dirndl (dresses). They performed various traditional Bavarian dances for the crowd.
The students at El Dorado were very enthusiastic, cheering on the Schuhplattler during each of the dances.
During the performance, both members of the Italian and German Clubs at El Dorado dined on a German meal, eating Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, and German potato salad, which was also served with German mustard. The students thought the meal was delicious.
All in all, it was a great day in which the students and faculty at El Dorado had a festive time and learned more about German (Bavarian) culture.

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