On Monday, Oct. 5, stucco was added to the exterior walls of the new library and computer lab building at Wagner Elementary School.
On Tuesday, Oct. 6, Katie Staples was chosen to serve as the chairperson for the site council.
On Wednesday, Oct. 7, teachers enjoyed a fun and informative staff meeting with outstanding, clever and enjoyable presentations provided by fellow coworkers. Additionally, the new library and computer lab building received a coat of paint.
On Friday, Oct. 9, the weather heated up, and students ate lunch inside. Some students enjoyed earning new fun footballs as part of the positive incentive program. Sixth grade students made clever speeches at the election for student council, and new staff shirts were unveiled.
Finally, the launch of an official Wagner Facebook page, a collaborative effort betwen the Wagner PTA and school administration, was announced.
Bonus pics of the interior of the new library and computer lab!
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