Discovery Science Clubs are the ultimate in science enrichment. At Parkview School, Science Club takes place Wednesday afternoons. This program is free to the school, and very affordable for parents. Scholarships are offered to enable all students the opportunity to attend. Program topics include all areas of science, from physics and chemistry to space and rocketry. These one-hour workshops are designed to engage all children in a safe and exciting environment, along with incorporating character-building activities. The program includes quality-building projects and activities that the children ultimately get to keep and take home.
This past session was on astronaut training and space exploration. Students held on tight as they blasted off into outer space, and discovered the science behind the awesome world of astronomy. Discussions included the different surfaces of planets, if aliens existed on other worlds and how we might survive on a planet other than earth. Students examined rovers and probes used by NASA, and then went on to design and engineer a rover of their own.
As you can see, Parkview has many budding scientists!
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