Rose Drive gives “Kudos for Kindness”

Thanks to Christine Phillips, a former Rose Drive Elementary School student and current eighth grader at Yorba Linda Middle School, Rose Drive was excited to launch a school-wide kindness campaign, “Kudos to Kindness.” Students are encouraged to acknowledge kind people and their kind acts by writing them on an empty card, and adding it to the “Kudos for Kindness” box located in the library. Every Friday, Principal Linda Adamson draws two cards, and both the kind person and the person reporting the kind act are rewarded with kindness wristbands. Last week marked the first drawing. Fifth grader Tara Powell was recognized by Makayla Abadie, “For helping me with my math work and being kind,” while fourth grader Joshua Cruz recognized Seth Boon for his kindness: “I was sad that nobody let me play soccer so Seth invited me to play soccer with him.” We are excited about the far-reaching repercussions of this powerful yet simple program as students seek not only to treat others with kindness, but to also acknowledge one another for their kindness.


2 Comments on "Rose Drive gives “Kudos for Kindness”"

  1. Dave Friedrichs | October 7, 2016 at 12:05 pm | Reply

    This is a fantastic idea. I am so glad that kindness is encouraged and rewarded in our wonderful students at Rose Drive.

  2. That’s awesome Tara! You have always been so helpful!

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