Mining for gold, measuring wind and running at Rose Drive

It was a fun and educational week at Rose Drive Elementary School.

Rose Drive Gold Rush
The California Gold Rush was alive and well in Mrs. Osborn’s fourth grade class this past week. The only difference? Gold was replaced with chocolate! Students spent their morning meticulously mining chocolate chips out of cookies, learning that mining is a lot of work with very little reward. They also learned firsthand that tools used for the process were not only expensive, but also prone to breaking. While romanticized, this activity brought to life the many struggles and challenges those brave “49ers” faced. The reward for all students in this case, however, was immediate: the enjoyment of their chocolate chip cookie at the end of the lesson.

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First graders are “Gone with the Wind”
First grade meteorologists were “blown away” this week as they used wind instruments to detect the amount of wind and its direction. They then compared their findings to the weather report on The Weather Channel, and wrote about it in their daily journals.


Afterschool running club
The Roadrunner Running Club (RRRC) is now in full swing, with over 75 students participating. Club members range from Preppy K to fifth grade. Each Tuesday afternoon, these energetic and motivated students run joyfully in their bright red RRRC T-shirts, cheered on and encouraged by an equally motivated group of parent volunteers and their fabulous coaches, Coach Woodward and Coach Hill. The club motto is ,”Always put your best foot forward!” Way to go Roadrunners!

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