Lakeview Elementary School Child Care students, in collaboration with the PTA, recently broke ground on a new organic garden for the community to enjoy. Child Care has been hard at work planting vegetable seeds, watering plants and harvesting the finished product. The students were able to enjoy a tasty salad that consisted of green onion, red leaf, radicchio and romaine lettuce for an afternoon snack. Child Care has also been involved in the red worm composting project that Mrs. Chern started at Lakeview. Child Care now has three worm bins with over 5,000 worms to feed! The students are learning about recycling and fertilization. The center shreds all of the cardboard boxes that the school receives supplies in, and uses it as bedding for the worms. Any leftover fruits and veggies from lunch and snack time are then fed to the worms. Child Care is learning they can reuse almost anything! Over time, this process turns into fertilizer for the organic garden, and helps grow the vegetables so they are large and good to eat.
Lakeview Child Care students grow where they are planted

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