The Superintendent’s High School Advisory Council is constituted of a dynamic cohort of junior and senior students drawn from every high school within the district, entrusted with voicing the sentiments and concerns within their student body.
Convening on five occasions throughout the academic year, these gatherings serve as forums for the council members to offer their perspectives and feedback across various topics. During the most recent assembly, the students imparted valuable insights on mental health and student wellness, grading methodologies, mathematics instruction, technological integration, college and career preparedness, and the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).
Executive Director of Secondary Education, William Gray, shared, “I have very much enjoyed working with this group of engaged students about the happenings at our high schools. It has been refreshing to hear from them about how PYLUSD can keep Putting Kids First as we work to support our schools. The insights, questions, requests, and viewpoints of our students are always needed as we look to continuously improve our district.”
Gina Aguilar, the Director of Student Services, expressed, “Working with our student leaders over the past three years has been a highlight for me. Watching them interact as they discuss key issues and topics and provide valuable feedback to our district demonstrates just how insightful, thoughtful, and compassionate our students are. These students are tomorrow’s leaders, and our future is in great hands!”

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